One day you may become famous. Now I'm not talking Jordan and Peter Andre famous, or even Paris Hilton. No. I mean you could be remembered for something great. Making a difference to humankind. Good or bad, you will have made a difference. When that happens people will want to know how you did it, what made you do it and why you did it. A diary is the perfect answer. Not only that but a diary can act as a great way of spurring yourself into doing these things, pushing you to work harder. This very article could be the start of you crafting a legacy. You can thank me when you win that Nobel Prize.
Now I bet your thinking? Ok, maybe this is a good idea, but how do I start one? Great question. First start off by heading to your local bookshop and buying a quality diary. Don't head straight for the bargain jumbo pad. Treat yourself to something nice. Remember! This is something you are going to have forever so if there is something worth splashing out on this is it. If you are having thoughts of typing your diary in word then let me stop you there. It will never get done. Computers break. Diaries are supposed to be hand crafted sprawls of a person's inner psyche not a spell checked, perfectly aligned word document. A "diary pen" may also be investing in as well. Anything to help motivate you.
So you have pen and paper ready. Now let the words flow. This is what most people have trouble doing. Just letting their thoughts flow onto paper. If you find yourself thinking "how did I start today?" then just forget it. A diary doesn't have to be like a documentary, I had breakfast, I washed my teeth, I picked up my keys, No! You're not 10! Stop thinking and just scribble. If your life doesn't have any drama at the minute then talk about how uneventful and mediocre it is, if it does, great! Diaries are the best outlet for your emotion.
There is no set amount you should write in your diary. I tend to find if I force myself to write every day or week then I never have anything to write about, or I'm just not in the mood. Again no problem, just make sure you have your diary handy, possibly go to bed 10 minutes earlier than normal in case you want to write, other than that just do it when the mood takes you.
Your reward for your work? Well a completed diary obviously but seriously how many of you have had the pleasure of completing a full years worth of work. Seriously. You will be overwhelmed by how much you have done. Hundreds or even thousands of pages of words. And the best thing about it? You will remember every part of it like it was yesterday. It is living proof of your existence. I guess that's what it all boils down to really, as humans we are scared when we are gone we will be forgotten. Completing this means when you are long gone somebody can pick up your diary and remember you existed.